Saturday, May 25, 2013

New puzzle buddies on the island

Ok, not really, lord knows what kind of "helpers" they would be, but we have a LOT of these around here. I thought these might make cool puzzles to remind us of our time on St. Thomas

Iguana. These guys are everywhere!

Rooster.... After a month or so, you stop hearing the damn things at all hours of the morning.


  1. LOL...

    You said, "to remind you of your time on St. Thomas"...does that mean that you are moving back to the mainland US at some point?

    1. I am sure we will someday. I really like these pics either way, might give that photo puzzle company I talked about a chance with these to see how they come out. A quick 500 pieces or so.

  2. Yeah, both pictures are really nice. Did you take them yourself?

    1. Sure did with my trusty iPhone. :-) I am just gearing up for a 16 hour puzzling day. I hope to knock out this ocean today, if not today, tomorrow for sure!

  3. Wow...I cannot even begin to fathom how awesome a 16-hour puzzling day would be! I've never had one and probably never will. LOL

    I'm lucky to get an hour or two at any given time...usually it's less.

    I'm sure you will make a ton of progress in that time, if not finish. Good luck, and I can't wait to see pictures and comments on how difficult it's a good preview of what it's going to be like for me - albeit 300% slower progress. LOL

