Wednesday, May 15, 2013

AUCTION WON! Wedding Feast At Cana - 9000 pieces By Ravensburger is on its WAY!

I WON, I WON!  I WON! This is one of my favorite puzzles. Check out more about it here.

After 4 months of searching daily, I found it on ebay Germany and won the auction for $37 bucks (plus like 55 for international shipping)! WAHOOOOOOO!


  1. Woooo hooo!!! So glad that you won it. I feel excited for you just knowing how much you were wanting to get this one. I'm really happy for you guys. Are you going to stop all else and work on that one as soon as it arrives since you're so excited about it?

    Looks like World Maps is coming along. I would hate that border. I like another large format puzzle called Magna Carta that has a map on it, but no solid color border. I wouldn't mind doing that one at some point, but I promised my hubby I wouldn't buy any more puzzles until I finished the Life puzzle. So, I must keep my word. LOL

    Good luck on finding a new place to live. I hope you're able to find something quickly.

    What type of work is it that you guys do anyway? Besides being professional puzzlers that is. LOL


    1. Thanks Penny! This one is going to require a change in our puzzle table. We are going to change it from attached to the wall to free standing and move it inside and the guest bed where the puzzle table is on the veranda. When we have guests, we will switch it around. At 9000 pieces, it will be the largest single puzzle I ever want to do :-) That is unless we just dump all of life together and go to town :-)

    2. PS I write software, my wife is a nurse.

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