Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Triple Play!

Today is my bday but if felt like xmas at the post office! Normally I would do huge write ups on each puzzle, but I will get to that later. Today I received two more BIG Boys and one very small boy. In fact its so small, it's the worlds smallest 500 piece puzzle according to Guinness. Anyhow, I really want to get to puzzling with M so I am going to wrap this up and keep it short!
Peru: Historic Sanctuary of Mache Picchu - 500pc, Tomax (World Heritage Series)
Gift from my amazing mother-in-law
Notes: Worlds Smallest 500pc jigsaw puzzle
New York - The City That Never Sleeps - 12,000pc, Ravensburger
Purchased from ebay for $50 on 6/12/2013
Peter van den Keere: Nova Totius Orbis Mappa. Ex Optiums Actoribus Desumta (Big World Map, 1611) - 9000pc, Ravensburger
Purchased from Amazon for $70.00 on 6/14/2013